Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crazy Life

It has been too long since the last time I did a post. November was a very busy month at our house. I had report cards, parent conferences, last month in a two week period I was in 10 hours of meeting on one child, family in town over Thanksgiving, and then of course Rian's second birthday parties. We had our family over for the weekend, it was a lot of fun. I'll post pictures later.

I am now 19 weeks pregnant and really starting to show. We need to take some pictures of what I look like even though I hate watching my body change like this. My eating is out of control too...I love sweets and especially this time of year. It is easy to say oh I am pregnant I'll worry about it later. I am still feeling sick when not taking my anti-nausea pill. It is a horrible feeling. I just keep telling myself that this is a gift from God and that he doesn't have everyone become mothers or even give birth. I don't really think it has hit me yet that we are really going to have two children in the near future. It seems so weird to think that I am going to love another child like I love Rian. I know that a lot of people say this before their second child. We are going to the doctor on December 27 for our ultrasound but we decided to wait until the birth to see the sex. I have a feeling it is another girl but I guess I can't imagine myself with a boy.

We're heading up to Whidby for Christmas this year. The whole family will be there so we are looking forward to a fun filled Christmas with Rian. We are trying to teach her that it is Jesus' birthday and that is what Christmas is all about with the added bonus of getting a few presents. We tried taking her to see Santa but she wouldn't go near him. We ask her if she wants to go and see Santa and she responds with a big "NO". I don't think we will be getting any pictures this year. Oh Well!!