Saturday, October 27, 2007

Wonderful Day

I love having weekends where you really don't have many plans. We are having on of them this weekend. As a family we headed down to the pumpkin patch and picked up two huge pumpkins to carve tonight. I am really looking forward to it...I think it has been 13 years since I last carved a pumpkin. It just sounds like more fun when you have children who really make the holidays come alive.

Steve got new tires on the Honda today and mowed our yard. I ran some errands when Rian was napping and then came home and watched Nebraska play Texas. Go Huskers!! Tomorrow we are going to trunk or treat with Rian at her pre-school. It shall be fun to watch her go trunk to trunk to get candy.

I am finally starting to feel better this past week. Only feeling sick in the evening but the indigestion has started to set in. My belly is sticking out...don't really look pregnant maybe just a little fat. Rian sure has started testing me...she is so whiny. If you know me I can't stand whining and God gave me a child that loves to whine. I guess that is Him giving you nothing you can't handle. She is very busy and loves to climb up on everything in her way. Everyday she learns a new word and we love to watch her language develop. When Jean was here last week she taught her to cover her mouth and say "oh my gosh". She looks so cute!!!

I'm coming up on a busy week at work with report cards due in a week and I haven't even started them yet. SCARY!! Rian's birthday party is saturday with her little friends so next weekend won't quite be so relaxing so we're going to enjoy this one.