Saturday, October 20, 2007


Last night at about 3 AM I heard a loud noise outside. It woke me up out of a deep sleep so I laid in bed for a moment and started getting a little scared. I decided instead of being scared I should say a prayer. Steve was sleeping with Rian because she was sick and had woke up at 11 crying. After about 5 minutes I heard the noise again...this time I decided to go into Rian's room to see if they had heard the same noise or if it was my mind playing tricks on me. Steve was already looking out the window and Rian was sitting up in her bed. Steve then decided to check the house and to see if we had shut the garage door. He couldn't find a thing so we all headed back to bed in our room. It was one big happy family!!

This morning we woke up so we could get ready to head up the island to pick up Grandma Jean. She is going to be watching Rian this week while I go to work. Steve decided to head outside just to check out the outside of our house. What he found was a complete mess. The noise we had heard was someone throwing a 20 pound rock through the window of the trooper. Yep, someone had broken into my car. They stole my wallet and that is it...they didn't even open the doors because of the alarm. I feel totally violated today. They also messed up Steve's car by putting a big dent and scratching it in several places. There was glass everywhere outside of the car and in the car. Needless to say a very big mess.

Today instead of going to the island we have been cleaning up the mess, canceling cards, and changing automatic bill pay. We waited for four hours for the police to finally contact us so we could do a report. There were three more break-ins in our neighboorhood last night. Jack and Jean were so gracious to offer to drive down here for the night. We were all looking forward to spending some quality time together. So on the positive side we will still get to spend time together.