It has been too long since the last time I did a post. November was a very busy month at our house. I had report cards, parent conferences, last month in a two week period I was in 10 hours of meeting on one child, family in town over Thanksgiving, and then of course Rian's second birthday parties. We had our family over for the weekend, it was a lot of fun. I'll post pictures later.
I am now 19 weeks pregnant and really starting to show. We need to take some pictures of what I look like even though I hate watching my body change like this. My eating is out of control too...I love sweets and especially this time of year. It is easy to say oh I am pregnant I'll worry about it later. I am still feeling sick when not taking my anti-nausea pill. It is a horrible feeling. I just keep telling myself that this is a gift from God and that he doesn't have everyone become mothers or even give birth. I don't really think it has hit me yet that we are really going to have two children in the near future. It seems so weird to think that I am going to love another child like I love Rian. I know that a lot of people say this before their second child. We are going to the doctor on December 27 for our ultrasound but we decided to wait until the birth to see the sex. I have a feeling it is another girl but I guess I can't imagine myself with a boy.
We're heading up to Whidby for Christmas this year. The whole family will be there so we are looking forward to a fun filled Christmas with Rian. We are trying to teach her that it is Jesus' birthday and that is what Christmas is all about with the added bonus of getting a few presents. We tried taking her to see Santa but she wouldn't go near him. We ask her if she wants to go and see Santa and she responds with a big "NO". I don't think we will be getting any pictures this year. Oh Well!!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Crazy Life
Posted by michellepeeples at 8:17 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Wonderful Day
I love having weekends where you really don't have many plans. We are having on of them this weekend. As a family we headed down to the pumpkin patch and picked up two huge pumpkins to carve tonight. I am really looking forward to it...I think it has been 13 years since I last carved a pumpkin. It just sounds like more fun when you have children who really make the holidays come alive.
Steve got new tires on the Honda today and mowed our yard. I ran some errands when Rian was napping and then came home and watched Nebraska play Texas. Go Huskers!! Tomorrow we are going to trunk or treat with Rian at her pre-school. It shall be fun to watch her go trunk to trunk to get candy.
I am finally starting to feel better this past week. Only feeling sick in the evening but the indigestion has started to set in. My belly is sticking out...don't really look pregnant maybe just a little fat. Rian sure has started testing me...she is so whiny. If you know me I can't stand whining and God gave me a child that loves to whine. I guess that is Him giving you nothing you can't handle. She is very busy and loves to climb up on everything in her way. Everyday she learns a new word and we love to watch her language develop. When Jean was here last week she taught her to cover her mouth and say "oh my gosh". She looks so cute!!!
I'm coming up on a busy week at work with report cards due in a week and I haven't even started them yet. SCARY!! Rian's birthday party is saturday with her little friends so next weekend won't quite be so relaxing so we're going to enjoy this one.
Posted by michellepeeples at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Last night at about 3 AM I heard a loud noise outside. It woke me up out of a deep sleep so I laid in bed for a moment and started getting a little scared. I decided instead of being scared I should say a prayer. Steve was sleeping with Rian because she was sick and had woke up at 11 crying. After about 5 minutes I heard the noise again...this time I decided to go into Rian's room to see if they had heard the same noise or if it was my mind playing tricks on me. Steve was already looking out the window and Rian was sitting up in her bed. Steve then decided to check the house and to see if we had shut the garage door. He couldn't find a thing so we all headed back to bed in our room. It was one big happy family!!
This morning we woke up so we could get ready to head up the island to pick up Grandma Jean. She is going to be watching Rian this week while I go to work. Steve decided to head outside just to check out the outside of our house. What he found was a complete mess. The noise we had heard was someone throwing a 20 pound rock through the window of the trooper. Yep, someone had broken into my car. They stole my wallet and that is it...they didn't even open the doors because of the alarm. I feel totally violated today. They also messed up Steve's car by putting a big dent and scratching it in several places. There was glass everywhere outside of the car and in the car. Needless to say a very big mess.
Today instead of going to the island we have been cleaning up the mess, canceling cards, and changing automatic bill pay. We waited for four hours for the police to finally contact us so we could do a report. There were three more break-ins in our neighboorhood last night. Jack and Jean were so gracious to offer to drive down here for the night. We were all looking forward to spending some quality time together. So on the positive side we will still get to spend time together.
Posted by michellepeeples at 2:32 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I am going to try and keep up this blog thing. It is really easy for me to sit down with my journal and write my thoughts and experiences once or twice a month but for some reason it has been really hard getting used to having it on the computer.
Steve and I found out last week that we are expecting our second child. WOW!! It is hard to imagine that Rian is going to be a big sister in less than 8 months. Our life as we know it today will never be the same. We are super excited to have yet another baby in our lifes. I know the joy that Rian has brought to our lives so I can only imagine what this one will do to us.
We aren't going to the doctor until October 19 since we went so early last time I thought it would be cool to wait a little longer this time. I've heard that you actually can see more on the ultrasound too. Rian knows that there is a baby in mommy's tummy but I know she has no idea to what that means and how it is going to change her life forever.
I am starting to be very tired all the time and having a hard time sleeping through the night. I can't even sleep through the night without going to the bathroom. My planter fasisitis is back in my feet so I know the hormone has been released in my body. I think that was once of the first symptoms I had with this pregnancy. Over labor day weekend at Mark and Carrie's wedding I was having some morning sickness and having hot flashes. I just thought it was the weekend and all the activities that were going on. I guess I thought there is no way that I would be pregnant after only trying one time, but I guess it can happen in one try.
Last night we went to a friend's for dinner and my job share partner was there and we both told each other that we were pregnant. We are due about one month apart. How crazy it that?
Posted by michellepeeples at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Testing Me
It is very hot here today. I think the temp. is going to reach nearly 100 degrees outside. Rian is taking a nap and then we are heading to the lake to cool off. We have now entered a new stage in rian's life, she won't sleep in her bed. She is officially out of the crib and onto the floor. I can't imagine that it being comfortable but she is still sleeping through the night. Her terrible two's are setting in as well. She is always testing me to see if I will follow through with what I told her not to do. When I do get to her level and talk to her about her behavior she laughs at me telling me she knows exactly what I am talking about. I know she is going to be a tough one and that we are going to have to stick to our guns with her. It will be a challenge and I'm sure we will never have a dull moment with her.
Yesterday we went to the gym and Rian cried the entire hour that I worked out. I really would of thought that she would of stopped in that amount of time. It felt good to me to get back to the gym and release some tension. I am starting a new bible study called the weigh-down workshop and am looking forward to it.
I am so much enjoying my summer home with Rian. I feel I would miss out on my job. It is something that i am really struggling with and need to pray about. In a way I know that Rian will be grown and out of the house in less than 18 years and the years fly by because she is already almost 2. I feel that your kids are only home for a short time and I am missing out on it. I can always go back to work and make money but I can never go back on the time I missing out on with her.
Posted by michellepeeples at 1:18 PM 0 comments